Spatial Analytics
Spatial analytics for a deeper understanding of places, options evaluation, and solution visualisation.
Modelling and Simulation
Advanced modelling, simulation and forecasting, to understand the behaviour of complex systems.
AI and Graph Data
Using custom AI on graph data enables new levels of insight and decision support.

The digital infrastructure required to transform industries, assets and places.
Placelink® is an innovative place-based partnerships platform that enables multi-organisational planning for investment, economic development, supply chain transformation, and asset and workforce transitions.
Digital infrastructure that transforms industries, assets and places.
Places and precinct governance
Activate initiatives aligned with community priorities, establish shared capabilities, coordinate workforce development, and drive economic performance of places and precincts.
Organisational alignment
Harness the power of all capabilities and resources in a place, aligning the efforts of local organisations around strategic priorities and aspirations of the community.
Circular economy planning
Identify supply and offtakes, co-ordinate planning and initiatives, identify investment needs, and manage operations of circular economies in places.
Cumulative impact planning
Develop insights into the cumulative impacts on places and communities from simultaneous project developments, economic transformation and transitions of industries and assets.
Economy-wide coordination
Placelink® enables stakeholders to collaborate around transformation of places, as well as industry and supply chain transitions in response to climate and other risks.
Partnership activation
Build and identify value in local partnerships, manage investment in common activities and shared assets, and establish good governance practices.

Placelink® is digital infrastructure developed by Acclimate Partners to enable governments, industry groups and local community organisations to build partnerships, attract investment, and manage transformation of industries, assets and places.
Case Study: Activating water markets in Northern Australia
Acclimate Partners is working with Civic Ledger and Far North Queensland Growers Association, in partnership with the Collaborative Research Centre for Northern Australia (CRCNA), to develop a world first blockchain-based water market for Northern Australia. More than one thousand far north Queensland producers are expected to take part as the project goes live. The project aims to de-risk agriculture development across Northern Australia by addressing growing water security issues and protecting fair access to water in the context of climate change.
The project has tested the paradigm of next generation water markets at scale by establishing the platform to enable the Mareeba-Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme (MDWSS) on Queensland’s Atherton Tablelands to move to a blockchain-enabled water market and trading platform. The project team has developed the infrastructure to enable transformation of the water market operator back office, enabling a dramatic reduction in compliance workload and providing irrigators with a real-time water accounting service.
Acclimate Partners have led the transition planning and the government and stakeholder engagement process and have tested the Placelink® methodology and technology platform design to facilitate multi-beneficial use water planning. Through our approach, water planners are able to improve water planning with dynamic feedback on catchment-scale benefits, including social and environmental benefits from irrigation water. We developed a place-based governance model to enable tailoring of the approach to the specific needs of diverse communities across Northern Australia.
The project has served as a pilot for Placelink®, the digital infrastructure for place-based transition management and outcomes-based financing developed by Acclimate Partners.